Ep.5: A Thoughtful Episode About Fuck Boys

In this episode of Building You Up, Ella offers a thoughtful conversation about Fuck Boys and how the behavior of these toxic people effect our Mental Health. The thing is everyone knows what fuckboy means, but no one knows what fuckboy means. Ella shares her lived experience with toxic people and how she uses compassion to combat the effects of The F-Boy Epidemic. 

In this intimate episode of Building You Up, I speak about my personal experience with Suicide. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds and 2nd for 24 to 35-year-olds in America. On average, 1 person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes. Each suicide intimately affects at least 6 other people.

Ep1: Doing Your Best & Leaving The Rest

In this debut episode of Building You Up, I speak about the different perspectives surrounding the quote “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." I open up the show with telling you about my background, as well as, the background of my show. The wrap up segment of the episode is called The Build Up. This is where I offer words of encouragement and insight.

I believe that curating your lifestyle is exactly like the process of creating a magical piece of art. My blog encourages you to manifest your masterpiece. I filter all my post through the lens of Mental Health and Holistic Wellness.

New Year, Same Me. Welcome 2018.

The new me that I am today took years upon years of work, reflection, pain, life experiences and triumphs. I am growing, changing and healing on a continuous basis and I believe that I can commit to change, as well as, tackle my goals on any day of the year. I don’t need a Gregorian calendar or a Julian calendar or any other calendar system to manifest change in my life. I am just continuing my ongoing journey of living my best life. I hope that you are too.

Weight Loss Journey: Day 21 [10/17/13]

I am Ella Speakz and I am honestly disclosing to you that I am UNHAPPY with being over weight and unhealthy, I get frustrated and discouraged at times but, I am actively trying to change my life so that I can be in a better place physically, emotionally and mentally. I might complain, I might cry and I most definitely WILL vent but, I wont give up and neither should you.

Weight Loss Road Blocks [10/8/13]

When I am on my period, I am so tired and I can not focus, some times I feel so faint and sick to the point of not being able to walk. So, how the hell would I be able to exercise? I swear, I would not wish this pain on anyone, well maybe for the exception of all the little boys who broke my heart, but that is another story for another day.

Weight Loss Journey: Measuring Progress [09/30/13]

Throughout this first week, I feel as though I am already reaping the benefits of healthy eating and exercise. I have witness an increase of energy and focus within the last couple of days. I am sleeping better, my skin looks clearer and after every meal, I am feeling energized versus feeling heavy and sleepy.