Based in Orlando, FL Charm is an introspective human being who offers a treasure chest of good-hearted intentions and helpful insights to support you and empower you through whatever you are going through. Her posts explore life, as it relates to Mental Health, as well as, Holistic Healing.

Ep2: Self-Love and Language

Ep2: Self-Love and Language


Happy Self-Love Sunday Yall!

Today, I dropped a bonus episode of the podcast, however starting on May 23, 2018, I will be dropping weekly episodes every Wednesday. In this episode, I speak about my hiatus from social media, perfectionism and I offer my reflections on Self-Love.

Self-love is a personal and private experience that is unique to everyone. There is no wrong or right way to love yourself. In this episode I spend time thinking and talking about the lies that we tell ourselves on a daily basis, as well as, the language that we use when we speak about ourselves. I encourage the listeners to watch how they talk to themselves. This self-love topic will be an ongoing conversation that we will be sprinkled through out the life span of Building You Up.

Within this bonus episode the following websites were mentioned:

Fierce by Mitu Article - These Latinas Will Give You The Mental Health Boost You Need:


Lastly, I want to let y'all know that the podcast is available on ItunesGoogle PlayAnchor, as well as, Soundcloud and it will be available on many other audio platforms very soon. So stay tuned! Enjoy this new episode and don't forget to comment, share and subscribe.

Ep. 3: Making Mental Health a Priority

Ep. 3: Making Mental Health a Priority

Ep1: Doing Your Best & Leaving The Rest

Ep1: Doing Your Best & Leaving The Rest