Ep. 3: Making Mental Health a Priority
In this Episode, Ella speaks about the significance of Mental Health Awareness within the context of everyday living and the complex simplicity of life. Also, Ella shares 3 simple things that you can do to level up your Mental Health Awareness, as well as, ways you can begin making Mental Health a priority. Below are some links to help you with your annual Mental Health Check-Up.
Three Simple Ways That You Can Level Up on Your Mental Health
Conduct a mental health check-up. This can be done by yourself, through introspection or with a licensed professional.
Check in with yourself, pause more to assess how your feelings change throughout the day.
Start asking yourself why and challenging your behaviors and beliefs. Are they your own or are you just living someone else's truth? What is your truth?
A Brief Mental Health Checkup: https://www.psychiatry.org/news-room/apa-blogs/apa-blog/2015/10/a-brief-mental-health-checkup
Mental Health Maintenance: https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/features/time-mental-health-checkup#1
Mental Health Screening Tools: http://screening.mentalhealthamerica.net/screening-tools