Based in Orlando, FL Charm is an introspective human being who offers a treasure chest of good-hearted intentions and helpful insights to support you and empower you through whatever you are going through. Her posts explore life, as it relates to Mental Health, as well as, Holistic Healing.

Podcast Launch: Building You Up

Podcast Launch: Building You Up


EllaSpeakz is Show'in You Love, 

by Building You Up

Building You Up is motivational speaking within the context of Mental and Emotional Health. This Podcast offers encouragement and guidance to those who struggle with Mental Health, as well as, anyone who is interested in optimizing their mental health. I am really excited because, so far people have said that the show is entertaining, unconventional, unique and refreshing. 

Each Wednesday, I get on the mic to offer new perspectives on holistic healing, mental health and self-care. What qualifies me to do this? Well nothing really, except for the fact that I am an Afro-Peruvian Mental Health Advocate, who uses my social media platform to uniquely discuss, as well as, challenge the narrative around mental illnessmental health and self care. So, I thought it would be cool and helpful to bring my love and light to the mic. 

I can promise you that every episode is sure to entertain you, fill you up with laughs and encourage reflection so that you can live your best life. So, remember to tune in every week, on Thursday's, via SoundCloud or Google Play, starting February 1, 2018.

Ep1: Doing Your Best & Leaving The Rest

Ep1: Doing Your Best & Leaving The Rest

Blog Relaunch: The Art of Lifestyle