Based in Orlando, FL Charm is an introspective human being who offers a treasure chest of good-hearted intentions and helpful insights to support you and empower you through whatever you are going through. Her posts explore life, as it relates to Mental Health, as well as, Holistic Healing.

New Year, Same Me. Welcome 2018.

New Year, Same Me. Welcome 2018.

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I am the same person today, Monday, January 1, 2018, as I was on Sunday, December 31, 2017.  Ain't nothing change in the last 24 hours, except for the date and time. However, I understand the New Year, New Me "thing" that happens during the start of every Gregorian Calendar year. I understand this sudden desire and blind hope for sudden change because I use to fall in line with everyone else and set yearly self-sabotaging resolutions. Not that all resolutions are bogus, but most people do not make it a week past their desired list of resolutions for the year.


Did you know that The University of Scranton research suggests just 8% of People Achieve Their New Year's Resolutions? So, that means that 92 % of American's fail goal setting and goal achievement. I use to lie to myself, like everyone does around this time of year and I would make a good looking resolution list. I would even write them on my calendar for decoration. Now, let me guess: you want to lose weight in 2018 or maybe manifest that loving romance that you have been yearning for. I know that I do and I know that sometimes, I still lie to myself, but I am actively working on that. 

In the past, when I would join the “New Year, New Me” craze. I would feel like a failure by the end of the year, because I was all talk with no plan or commitment. Back then, all I knew is that I was tired of "this" and I wanted "that," whatever "that" was, I was very unclear on.  So, over the years I began asking myself: "What is so different about this year than all the other years, month, weeks or days that you and I proclaimed change? Yes, I am including you in the equation because we are in this together and if you suffer from resolution sabotage, I encourage you to ask yourself some of the same questions. I believe that by meditating on these questions, as well as, the answer, you and I are going to head in a good direction this year. 

Here is the thing, there is nothing wrong with setting resolutions that start on the first of the New Year, but have you and I planned and prepared to start the process of this "New Year, New Me," that you and I desire? Do we have vision? Have we selected goals that are attainable or will we clonk out by mid-January? More than anything, have we practice self-compassion, as well as, introspection while creating our resolutions. This brings me to my next point. 

I have noticed that the New Year, New me craze starts during November/December of the previous year. During that holiday time, I come across a lot of people talking about change and when I ask them about execution, they tell me, with a face full of confidence and pride, "I am going to start on the first." To those that I am close with, I challenge and ask them: "what about now?" The response that I get is usually a mixture of well thought-out excuses, valid reasoning and sparkles of honesty. But, more than anything, there is an undertone of the person not feeling like they are enough. I use to be that person, well if I am being honest; parts of me are still that person. Sometimes, I lack focus. I have a ton of excuses and I am really hard on myself, but that is okay because I have and I am currently doing the work to understand those parts of me, so that I can effectively manifest the change that I deserve. So, instead of creating resolutions focusing on what is wrong, this year I am practicing self-compassion, by first focusing on what is right. This is a great topic that I am going to explore more in future post and podcast.

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For now, I honor that I have grown. I see things differently, so I neither proclaim a new me nor judge those who do. I believe that each day, each week, each month and each year is presented to serve us in many ways that are unique and necessary to everyone on an individual basis. Everything is as it should be and the life that you deserve is at your fingertips. So, maybe that means that this new year

will bring a new you or maybe it might not, it all depends on your journey. Regardless of what the new year brings you, remember that everything is as it should be for you. I write this to you as much I say this to myself on daily basis. Self-compassion is something that I struggle with and am also working on as well (I am working on ALOT of shit).

The new me that I am today took years upon years of work, reflection, pain, life experiences and triumphs. I am growing, changing and healing on a continuous basis and I believe that I can commit to change, as well as, tackle my goals on any day of the year. I don’t need a Gregorian calendar or a Julian calendar or any other calendar system to manifest change in my life. I am just continuing my ongoing journey of living my best life. I hope that you are too.

So, what about my resolutions? I prefer to say goals and during these last few months of 2018, I was actively and consciously engaging in healing on a mental, emotional, spiritual and physical level. This means that all of my goals for 2018 have to do with me taking my healing in to the New Year. And, just to let you know this blog, as well as, my podcast are just some of my 2018 goals. This year, instead of a new me, I am honoring the old version, nursing my wounds, as I also honor endings. For me, 2018 will honor the end of many cycles in my life and I am committed, more than ever to heal myself, so that I can prosper within my full potential. This means that going in to 2018, I am chanting: “New Year for a Healing Me” or “New Year, Healed Me.” I have not decided yet, but you catch my drift. 


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